ASC Creative Strategy

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What is the difference between "Digital Adoption (or Digital Transformation)" and "Business Automation"?

Digital Adoption (or Digital Transformation) relates to a strategic process of planning the technology ecosystem to match or work alongside the business requirements and business planning process. It can be very broad within your business.

Examples include:

Creating a business data strategy to match your marketing, digital marketing, pricing or other strategies. This means not only determining what data can be captured from your efforts, but also determining what data could be purchased or acquired to enhance them.

Planning or improving the supply chain and logistics systems to match a planned market growth in another country or geographical market, or a move to manufacturing.

Improving your manufacturing and production workflows to minimize raw materials warehousing, improve order info to clients, and reduce inventory costs.


Business Automation is a more tactical process of using technology to automate menial or standard workflows. Almost any business workflow can be automated. These might include:

    • collecting and collating information from clients prior to your staff working on them. Accountants, Legal professionals, consulting companies, loan-granting operations, contractors and trades can all benefit.
    • internal dataflows such as automatically moving prospect data from your website to CRM , accounting, order management  or manufacturing applications.
    • automating the manufacturing dataflows, such as printing cards, automating the ordering and receiving of products within your inventory management.

Literally, almost anything that you can think of automating within your business can be done.

How Do You Work?

While every engagement is unique, there is a multi-step process that starts with a Discovery phase. We keep this as unobtrusive and engaging as possible.

We share the milestones, future timelines and associated costs at completion of the Discovery phase.  You can decide then if/how you wish to proceed. It’s that simple.

One of our fundamental values is around accountability. We typically have weekly update meetings, for all parties to share what they have done and assign new ‘homework’.


What type of Projects have you worked on?

A brief description of our technology management consulting projects range includes:

  • in-depth reviews of websites  with complex dataflows (eg. ecommerce or data integration to legacy systems) ;
  • application design and product management;
  • identifying  gaps or problems and designing fixes to applications that are not working as expected
  • researching and designing corporate data architectures;
  • researching and recommending software for your business.

This is a very brief summary so contact us if you have a question.

Where Do You Work?

We are able to (and have) work anywhere remotely from our offices in the West Coast of North America.