Proposal: Fractional Operations Planning for Vinyl Guys Fence & Deck Ltd. | ASC Creative Strategy

Proposal: Fractional Operations Planning for Vinyl Guys Fence & Deck Ltd.

ASC Creative Ltd.: ASC Creative Ltd.

ASC Creative Ltd. is highly experienced fractional operations advisor and operations technology services provider based in Vancouver, BC. Since 2008, ASC Creative has provided fractional COO, data strategy and integration, and website design and development services on over 100 projects.

ASC Creative offers fractional operation leadership for growing businesses requiring an experienced individual to oversee key digital growth projects. Our diverse experience brings a broader, fresh, and unbiased perspective during the strategic planning and execution stages.

Philosophically, our key differentiators include a focus on end-to-end data integration (between applications), and providing vendor agnostic advice.

What Makes Operational Excellence

Project Outline

Vinyl Guys Fence & Deck Ltd. is a well-established Saskatoon based company providing decking and fencing services to residential and commercial clients located primarily within a 300-500km range. The company has been operating over 15 years and is generating revenue approaching $1M annually. The company has grown and management now wishes to review and improve (where applicable) internal operations, especially related to the sales to production information and operations handoffs, related standard operating procedures and creating/updating operations documentation. This work is in preparation to preparing the company to move towards a franchising model, and providing these operational guidelines as part of the franchising package. This proposal is to review, document and make recommendations about current internal processes and dataflows, and review the technology ecosystem to facilitate future growth.

Details about the "Clear Vision" methodology

"Clear Vision" is our methodology designed to provide an integrated approach to connect and match operational and technology ecosystems. As businesses grow, it is quite normal for the operational processes to grow and expand with the growth of the business, but at the expense of the technology and managerial systems. Clear Vision includes improving operations/workflows, empowering people, and business performance management. The first step is conducting a Strategy First Assessment so that business leadership gain a better understanding of the operational systems, workflows and processes. Using various tools, including process mapping, our audit examines current key performance indicators and source workflows related to sales, client communication, production scheduling, operations, and fulfillment to map the end-to-end data ecosystem connecting the current business, marketing and operational strategies. We create a Strategy First Action Plan with recommendations on improvements to data collection and operational workflows, and improvements in a revised technology ecosystem that would automate or significantly improve data collection, transfer, measurement and/or governance. One key goal is to ensure that the business goals, systems and data architecture 'fits' together. The Strategy First assessment is conducted through weekly video calls, and subsequent analysis. The following is specifically NOT in scope of this project. 1. Software Selection to identify new or replacement software. Or implementing software or hardware. 2. Market research, or creating a marketing plan. 3. Creating KPI's, standard operating procedures or business automation "rules" Additional Notes: 1. It is common that the above preliminary deliverables will change as throughout the Discovery process. They may be added to the scope on mutual agreement by both parties.


Our Responsibilities Throughout the project, ASC Creative is responsible for: 1. requesting and analysing requested documents; 2. interviewing key stakeholders to obtain information about how the system would be used; 3. preparing the deliverables as described below Client Responsibilities 1. Providing documents and feedback in a timely manner. 2. Providing access to stakeholders, as requested.

About Fractional Operations Leadership

What is Fractional Operations Leadership? A fractional leader is a part-time leader with a great deal of experience. They are brought in to help fill leadership gaps and leverage external experience to support an organization’s shift to a new growth phase. Fractional leaders fall in between advisors or external consultants and interim (contract) or full time leaders. How does that apply to digital operations? A Fractional Digital Adoption Leader focuses on filling strategic design and implementation gaps with the aim to support business-led growth and innovation. What are the outcomes? 1. Clear understanding of, and a plan to fix, operations and related customer experience issues; 2. A solid delivery roadmap based on connecting business goals with operational and technology capabilities.


1. Improving implementation risk and value proposition - through a well-thought out approach to understanding the issues and how internal and external stakeholders view the value proposition and the opportunities to enhance it 2. Cost-Effective Expertise - with a fractional approach you get the benefit of over 20 years of experience and leadership without the cost of a full-time senior resource 3. Enhanced Competitiveness


Estimated Timeline:

6-10 weeks

Strategy First
6-10 weeks

Your Investment

Strategy First

Total: $4800

Approve Proposal

If you would like to join us and become a client then we’d be delighted to have you.

To Accept, Type Your Full Name Below

At ASC Creative Ltd. we know many small & medium-sized businesses struggle to define and maintain a business operations strategy that matches what their customers are really looking for. Through our Clear Vision methodology, we provide fractional leadership to help organizations align their business operations to make the shift to a culture of data-driven decision-making and operations supporting business growth. 

You are hereinafter referred to as the “Client” and is the organization that uses services provided by ASC Creative Ltd. (“ASC”).

1. This document constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties. Except as stated in paragraph 2, no other documents, waiver or articles, whether expressed or implied, shall contradict the policies, guidelines and conditions defined in this Agreement. Any negotiations, prior discussions, representations, promises, understandings, proposals, agreements, warranties, course of dealing or trade usage not expressly contained or referenced in this Agreement will not be binding on either party. No addition to or modification of this Agreement will be effective or binding unless agreed in writing and executed by the respective duly authorized representatives of each of the parties.

2. Hosting Agreement – The Client agrees that the Master Services Agreement located on forms a binding part of this overall Agreement. Additional Terms and Conditions contained within the Master Services Agreement will affect this Agreement. Where there is an interpretation dispute between this Proposal and the Master Services Agreement, the Master Services Agreement shall prevail.

3. Invoices and Overdue Balances – Where the Client agrees to pay recurring periodic (i.e. Monthly) charges, they will be made by pre-authorized deposit (“PAD”). Other amounts will be invoiced, and all invoices are due on receipt. A credit charge of 2% monthly (26.8% per annum compounded) applies to overdue amounts. Client hereby authorizes payment of balances overdue by more than 60 days to be debited from their account at any time. Client hereby authorizes ASC on behalf of their Business and ASC’s financial institution to debit the Client’s account, on the first of each month, any recurring fees and any authorized charges as approved from time to time. The Client authorizes ASC to increase or decrease my monthly debit as required to reflect my/our monthly fees as established by ASC from time to time, including any one-time retroactive fee adjustments as approved from time to time on the condition that a change of fees is preceded with 15 days notice from ASC.

This PAD authority shall continue until ASC has received written notification from the Client of its change or termination, to be received at least ten (10) business days prior to the next scheduled debit date. Client acknowledges that they may obtain a PAD cancellation form from, and also obtain a sample PAD cancellation form, or further information on their right to cancel a PAD Agreement at their financial institution or by visiting

Client acknowledges that they have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, the Client has the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD agreement. More information on your recourse rights are available by the Client’s financial institution or by visiting

ASC may assign this authorization to a related company or partner by ASC on providing at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Such notice is merely notice and not a request for approval or acceptance of such assignment.

The Client undertakes to provide written notice to ASC of any change in the account or address information provided in this authorization as soon as the change occurs. The account information changes must be received by ASC at least ten (10) business days prior to the next scheduled debit date in order to avoid the possibility that my debit is returned by my financial institution.

The Client acknowledges that delivery of this authorization to ASC constitutes delivery to the Client’s financial institution, and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this authorization.

4. Liability exclusion – The total liability of ASC, including its subcontractors and suppliers, for all claims of any kind for any loss or damage will not exceed the amount paid by Client allocable to the particular item of Work which gave rise to the claim. In no event will ASC or its subcontractors or suppliers be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect or exemplary damages including, but not limited to, loss of profit or revenue, loss of use of any network, system or equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute goods, facilities, services or replacement communications, downtime costs, loss of business information, claims of Client’s customers for such damages, or any other claims for damages that are not the direct, immediate, and inevitable consequence of ASC's negligence or breach of its obligations under this Agreement. The time limitation for any action is twelve (12) months from the date of installation of the Work which gave rise to the claim.

ASC assumes no liability for any claims, losses, damages or loss of business the Client may directly or indirectly incur by reason of any act, neglect, fault or representation of ASC, its agents, contractors or employees.

5. Time is of the Essence - Time is of the essence for this Agreement.

6. Project Restart – Where the Client does not provide requested information or project feedback in response to ASC within a 30 day period, the project shall enter into a ‘dormant’ state. In order to provide for the costs project and resource costs associated with restarting the project (including, but not limited to, reassigning project resources), there shall be an additional cost of the lessor of 10% of the total project cost, or $300.

7. Title - All Work, Intellectual Property, Software, Ideas and materials (“Work”) created as a result of this agreement are the property of ASC. Information created using the Work is the property of the Client. ASC grants an unfettered license to use the Work arising from this agreement to be used solely in the Client’s day-to-day business. Rights to Use the Work transfer to the Client only upon receipt of full and complete payment by ASC Creative Ltd. Unless stated otherwise, written and on-line presentation formats, techniques and tools, research techniques, research and office software and investigative tools are the property of ASC Creative Ltd.

ASC will work within the licensing requirements of the software providers used in this Work / Project.

Client agrees to let ASC Creative Ltd. mention Client's name and services when communicating with other uses of ASC services or with the media. This includes describing Client services to sales prospects that are not Client competitors, press releases, advertising, inclusion in client rosters in collateral and online, and describing Client's benefits to the media. ASC will alert Client to any media activity where Client's name is likely to be mentioned, and will let Client review any press releases or attributed quotes specific to Client before ASC releases them.

8. Third Party Service Provider – Additional interactions with third party service providers requires more time and/or modifications to our project planning. Where the Client introduces a third party service provider after presentation of this Agreement, ASC shall be entitled to invoice on an hourly basis above the estimate included in this proposal for any Work provided directly related to working with, for or on behalf of the service provider.

9. Confidentiality - The information contained herein and all information pertaining to each Client and each Project constitutes “Private and Confidential Information” and is intended exclusively for the named parties. Each party covenants and agrees not to disclose or permit the disclosure (either during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter) of any Private and Confidential Information to any person nor to use or permit the use of same by any other person for any purpose or purposes other than those of ASC.

10. Termination - Client may terminate only for gross breach of this Agreement by the Agent, as evidenced by a written letter outlining the breach and allowing 30 days to rectify the breach. If the breach is not rectified within the period, ASC may terminate the Agreement on the 31st day.

Within the period, ASC may document the issues related to the cause of the breach and propose alternatives to correcting the breach. Client may decide to accept or reject the proposed alternatives, and notify ASC of their decision. If the proposed alternatives are rejected, Client must provide a proposed set of actions to rectify the breach and provide a further 10 days for ASC to comply.

Client responsible for making payment to date of termination or the next project milestone, whichever is longer. Premature termination of this agreement has no effect on the payment obligations as outlined in the payment schedule contained within the proposal.

11. Mediation - If a dispute arises between the parties in relation to this Agreement, or out of this Agreement, the parties agree that the following dispute resolution process must be used.

(a) A meeting must be held promptly between the parties, attended by individuals with decision-making authority regarding the dispute, to attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute.

(b) If, within [14] days after such meeting, or such further period agreed to by the parties in writing, the parties have not succeeded in negotiating a resolution of the dispute, the parties agree to submit the dispute to mediation.

(c) The parties must jointly appoint a mutually acceptable mediator. If the parties are unable to agree upon the appointment of a mediator within [7] days after the end of the negotiation period referred to in paragraph (b), the parties must apply to the Mediate BC Society (formerly known as British Columbia Mediator Roster Society), or such other organization or person agreed to by the parties in writing, which will, within [7] days of the application, appoint a mediator taking into account:

(i) the need for the mediator to be neutral and independent,

(ii) the qualifications of the mediator,

(iii) the mediator’s fees,

(iv) the mediator’s availability, and

(v) any other consideration likely to result in the selection of an impartial, competent and effective mediator.

(d) The parties agree to participate in good faith in a mediation session which must occur within [30] days after the appointment of the mediator, or such further period agreed to by the parties in writing.

The parties agree that the mediation will be conducted in accordance with the Mediate BC Society.

(e) If the parties are unable to resolve all issues in dispute in the mediation, the parties agree that the remaining issues in dispute must be determined by arbitration under the Commercial Arbitration Act, R.S.B.C. 1996. The parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding and will not be subject to appeal on a question of fact, law or mixed fact and law.

(f) The parties agree to share equally the costs of the mediation and arbitration, which costs will not include costs incurred by a party for representation by counsel.

12. Notices - Notices will be sent to the other party at the following address. If via postal mail, the notice will be deemed delivered 7 weekdays after being sent. If via email, the notice will be deemed delivered 24 hours after being sent. The addresses are subject to change upon providing written notice.

Acceptance of Proposal. Acceptance of this Estimate signifies that you have read the above terms and agree to abide by them.